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July 31, 2024
Press release

Sorted Money Month 2024

This August is Sorted Money Month. Tempo is helping raise awareness by connecting New Zealanders with tools and resources to get sorted with their money. Sorted is a free service by Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission, dedicated to helping New Zealanders get ahead financially.

This year’s theme is: "Pause. Get sorted." The focus is on actions that help people grow their money and build resilience.

Tempo is a guided investment app backed by the expertise at Forsyth Barr, which means – like Sorted – we care about sharing our expertise to help New Zealanders get ahead with their money. We know investing is only one aspect of your overall money ecosystem, which is why we love a trusted online resource like Sorted. They focus on all aspects of money: budgeting, maximising savings, owning a home, or building wealth.

More about Sorted here:

Please note Tempo is not affiliated with or endorsed by Sorted, or by Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission.

Investing with Tempo means you invest in the Forsyth Barr Funds and get financial advice from Tempo.

The Forsyth Barr Funds are issued by Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited.

A copy of the Product Disclosure Statement for the Forsyth Barr Funds is available on our Documents and Disclosures page.

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